tisdag 1 mars 2011

Nadine Hurley

Visst ja, tänkte bara meddela att det finns en stor risk att jag inom kort kommer att se ut som Nadine Hurley i Twin Peaks. Älskade, älskade Twin Peaks. Men jo, tror min syn gått och blivit usel. Befarar en lång och plågsam framtid med ögonlapp.

Twin Peaks är ju en briljant serie med helt otroliga karaktärer, och Nadine är en av dem.

Nadine Hurley is married to Big Ed and is well known in the town for her ferocity and eccentricity. Nadine wears a patch over her left eye, having lost it in a hunting accident on their honeymoon. Ed's guilt over the accident (and other things) is perhaps all that holds together their mostly unhappy marriage, as he would rather have married Norma Jennings, his high-school sweetheart.

Nadine spends the first few episodes of the series in a state of obsession with trying to create the world's first completely silent drape-runners. She is successful when her husband, Ed, accidentally spills mechanical grease on the cotton balls she is fixing to the runners. Nadine initially thinks this will make them both very rich but alas it does not, because not many people care about silent drape-runners.

After trying to commit suicide at the end of the first season (by overdosing on a mixture of pills), Nadine awakes from the resulting coma believing herself to be a teenager in high school and, incidentally, just dating her husband. Her superhuman strength (already present in season one) allows her to enter the school's wrestling team—the first female to do so. Though the cause of her strength and her memory loss is left largely to the viewer's imagination, adrenaline is circuitously mentioned at one point by Dr Hayward, as well as is Dr. Jacoby's comment that "that tissue's packed in there pretty hard".


Såja, då köper ni bums de två säsongerna (som skulle ha varit fler). Annars kanske ni råkar ut för en freak pie-related accident. Sådant händer, åtminstone i Twin Peaks.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Du får nog ta en del av din norska lön och spendera den på glasögon.
